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Dear Photograph - Why we are photographers

Here in the city of Calgary, today, September 1st is the first day of school for many children. As such, I'm sure there will be many shutters clicking and many tears shed as parents send their little ones off into the world of learning for yet another year. I thought it was fitting that I came across this poignant collection of photographs today. Dear Photograph is a collection of photos submitted by average people using a simple, but touching concept. Hold a picture of the past in the same location where it was taken in the present, snap the shutter and comment. This is why we are photographers; to capture moments of today for the future, when they will become the past. I am especially touched by the picture of the mom and daughter hugging goodbye on the first day of school.

Grab a cup o' tea, sit back (perhaps with a tissue or two) and click on through these great images and moments.

And remember to always carry and camera and click on :)


lil' mama photog

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Photographer, mother, wife, sister, daughter and loving it all :)