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WPPI & Vegas

WPPI and Vegas were absolutely fabulous. It was so great to see so many of our industry's best all in one place. I was especially inspired by Jim Garner and his introduction to the "experiential style". It just gave me goosebumps as I was sitting there listen to someone put into words and give a name to exactly my shooting style over the last few years. It was like finally making a breakthrough into another language and being given the tools to communicate my vision with others. What a breath of fresh air! That having been said, keep your eyes and ears open for many new things to come in the future for MU Photography and the lil' mama photog' It's gonna be grand!

I was also quite excited to see all the entrants in the 16x20 competition and to have one of my photos score a 78!




Unknown said...

I loved this photo also. I will have to tell Amanda and Jared about this. Congrats! Do you know what the other picture scored?

lil' mama photog said...

Thank you Sue. I submitted 4 photos in total and they all scored in the mid to high 70's. Not so bad for a first time entrant, if I do say so myself :)

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Photographer, mother, wife, sister, daughter and loving it all :)